I'm having the worst time of my life now trying to understand the P.O.A subject. Just thinking about it makes me confused and depressed because I know I'm not going to do well for the tests. My marks have booomxzx down to the floor.I should study and not slack anymore. I should. Omg, tomorrow got English CA test. Bloody hell. Narrative, and i still do not have a pen. How the hell am I going to do the tests?!
So yeah, about today.
During lessons was so tiring especially English. I wonder why I find it so tiring every lesson of English. And Adelina keep disturbing and bullying Wee Leong and he never say anything. It was a bad and unlucky day for him. After school, waited for Khalilah with Nurakif. And lalala-ed to interchange. I was supposed to go home but I wanted to search for Engtuck. HAHA.
And we went for a Man-Date at Pizza Hut. Engtuck belanja. Woo. The guy should pay mahhh. HAHA. Rachel came to interrupt our man-date. HAHA. Just kidding DAWG. And there was a wrong transaction going on there when we checked the cheque. Confirm Mr.Tay scold one. Wrong transaction. He should work there and help out.
So, after the awesome Man-Date, I went home straight and used the computer.
I noticed something. Irfi Yani and Wei Shan's name is not in my post.