Today was super super boring and takleh angkat classes. Like nahhh. Cannot make it.
Yaaa, Mother Tongue was doing exercises and maths was doing examples as per usual.
And chem and SS and POA and RECESS! At last. I was starving in class. I need to eat
breakfast everyday. If not Nabilah will suffer my complains. HAHAA.
And there is this one awesome pretty girl siaaa. ZOMG.
'Doesn't mean I like her'
But she is 'Boomzxz' HAHA.
And YOG Learning Centre was awkward silence which i hate. But the interview
with the two athlete is one part funneh, one part booring.
And my class took and stole alot of the Hot Dog Buns there.
And just when i thought Aloysius was innocent, he just kneed my butt. Amazing.
So, bus-ed to school, walked to MacDonalds to say 'Hi' to Engtuck
And went home with Najlah. Congratulations, President. AHAHA.
AndI owe Luqmanul Hakeem a chocolate for no reason.
I'll see what I can do, dawwg.
OK and yah. Irfi. There is your name.