Helllooooooooo Peeeopppllllee!
Let's talk about today.
Yaa, today.
First two periods.
Was pathetically fun untiil i couldn't get the elimination
stuffs. Totally pissed off.
Tried alot of times still didn't get it.
Stupid fractions.
Next period.
We had to do peer marking with our friends.
And it was okay, mostly studying.
Next two periods.
The boys were supposed to run
but i didn't want to.
Instead, I played Badminton with Peh Eng Tuck.
Was sweaty.
Then it was.
Ate fried Maggie Noodle and 100 plus.
was extremely full.
And it started to rain.
I tortured Luqman and His friends start hitting me.
But it was nothing.
I will get him tomorrow.
Good Luck.
After recess.
Ms Li Peiwen didn't come so relieve teacher came.
Were suppose to discuss about a NAPFA t-shirt.
but did not. Got our EZ-Link card (the blue one).
The photo on the card was super old.
It was from my Primary School.
And i was fat and nerdy then.
Ok la. accepted.
After that.
I talked alot during Mother Tongue.
Got warned quite alot of times by Mdm Sabariah.
Had fun talking to Ferb.
And the releaseeee.
Went home with Fyqah Sewel and Khalilah.
The bus was super late.
And it was super warm too.
And at home,
Looked for songs.
Update my phone.
I know this post is boring but
what to do.
There is nothing to blog about.