todae was GOOD!i noe tat gud is very extremely definitely positively important..yup tat is SOOOOO rite..haha..getting back to today's blog..FUCK!!!!i read a comment from a friendster profile..uhuh..and it says..................................FUCK=
(K)keepSO IT GOES..Dear Fucker,You are my Fuckin friend..Fuck,i will always be there for promise we will F.U.C.K FOREVER!!!woohoo..tat was funny isn't it?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!so today went to send my untie to bogor..some photos.
Pic took at airport.
Waiting for 27
IN the after that went to cut my hair..the FOUR of us CUT-ted our hair..we were waiting for quite a long time..MY HAIR turn our to be a bit crazy..cos i agreed to almost everything the CUT-ter it turn out to be spiky,LONG sideburns,i still have a i jus accept is like a salon tat cuts hair for only $4.80..GOOD PRICE..after that,walked home..k finish BLOG-ging..BYE!!ITS A WONDERFUL WORLD!!
I FORGOT!HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAKAK NIN!! Labels: airport, bogor, cut, hair, sideburn, wonderful