MAN!!i have not blogged for so long alady..
hais my fingers have no muscle..*sobsob*
sorry cos i never start the blog with"todae was fine"..
haha..bcos i need to blog for the last few days..
and i have experienced alot on those days..
kk..starting to blog PUT YOUR EYEBALLS ON THE SCREEN NOW!!haha..
31st May 2008...
yeay!got the ncdcc adventure camp..
actually if my frens never tell me,i wont be going..
bcos i never check the board..hehe..
then my friends asked me to go so i go..
then todae i woke up i woke up exactly at 7.30..
whenn..i am supposed to arrived at school at 7.30..haha..
so i called asyiqah..and i was so damned panic cos i..
have TO PAY A FREAKING $42!! i called my fren and she said tat..
she was gonna pick me up from my house..
so i quickly bathed and waited outside..
then the taxi came and she said that me and mira owed her 24 push ups for her..
in the taxi...
huda gave me a bar and frisha gave me a sweet that we can use as a "watch"..
we reached there and we WERE SEPARATED INTO GROUPS!!
well i tot that we r going according to our schools..
so i and sakeenah,frisha and huda,was lucky cos we were in the same group..
mira and asyiqah was in a different groups..
so first thing that my group went is abseiling..
we were like waiting for our turn..
so i was up next thenn i wore the harness and the helmet..
went up and the ropes were the trainer asked me to make an L-shape..
and i was like shaking..its like jumping down from a building..
i was like ok..then let myself go..
so i went down..slowly..then i was down..
then suddenly it started to we quickly went to the wad shelter..
in there we sang song..
man i tink tat i am gonna bore people with this blog
i will fast forward it..
we sing sing..then we play game..
then it stopped raining..
then we went back to the CRC..
tried the ladder damn scary sia..
then went to team initiative games..which is..
-the log
-the swing
-the plank and brick
then go rock climbing..



bus stop
I FORGOT ABT THE 1st-5th June..
hahaha..dunno wad to post..
so i post for todae one ah..
woke up late..
went to mosque..
went out for my cuz laptop thingy,..
after that go to afghanistan to eat pattaya..
walk around TM and Century Square..
and went home..
tats all for todae..
Labels: berak, camp, food, shit, singapore